
Architects & Engineers

Architects and engineers face increased exposure to charges of professional malpractice due to a variety of developments in recent years. The industry hosts a claims environment that is rapidly and continuously changing; there is wide variation among the numerous industry rules and ethical guidelines affecting architects and engineers; technology is changing the very nature of their professions; and economic pressures are mounting.

MDAFP’s attorneys are experienced in representing architects, engineers, surveyors and environmental consultants. Allegations against design and environmental professionals, when asserted in the context of larger construction defect matters, are often difficult to litigate. Professional claims against design and environmental professionals should be handled differently from claims against various subcontractors, as the issues and applicable legal standards are generally very different.

Our experience enables us to communicate with our clients regarding plans, designs, specifications and details. Our ability to comprehend complex design issues and address them in a manner approved of by our clients has earned us the trust of many larger design firms and their insurance companies. Our litigation on behalf of our design professional and environmental clients generally involves a close working relationship, as it is important that the technical issues not be overlooked, and that any claims be viewed in the context of the construction and business activities at the time of the design.

In addition to defending claims in state and federal courts, in alternative dispute forums, and before professional boards, MDAFP is also able to advise clients on risk management or contractual issues to help them reduce exposure to future claims.

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